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Alocasia Azlanii is one of the most sought-after jewel Alocasias, presenting itself as a highlight within any selection of rare plants. It has spectacular metallic-purple coloured leaves that feature a suffused pink hue emphasising the veins. This tropical variety can be found on the island of Borneo, in Sarawak. Alocasia Azlanii will thrive indoors with indirect bright light, or part sun/shade if kept outdoors. It prefers areas that won’t have constant changes to temperature and should be watered sparingly but frequently, to keep the soil moist at all times. In winter it prefers to be watered less.
With its broad, dark green heart-shaped leaves, the Anthurium Clarinervium is no ordinary house plant. Its thick leathery texture, velvet like leaves and silvery veins provide a unique addition to any growers collection. Anthurium Clarinervium is naturally found in the southern parts of Mexico. This easy growing plant prefers to stay damp but never wet and prefers indirect bright light. Plant in a good mixture of potting mix with some perlite, peatmoss and sand to provide good drainage. Collectively the leaves can reach 20-25cm, but naturally grows much larger.
When in need for a low-maintenance, beautifully variegated indoor plant, Philodendron Mamei is the perfect option. It is a tropical perennial creeping plant that grows as ground cover, and at times can climb up trees true to its epiphytic nature. A mature indoor leaf can grow up to 12-20cm in size. It has big, green heart-shaped leaves with silvery dust markings.
Our expansion into a wide selection of Caladiums will begin in 2022, with more varieties to be introduced throughout the year. Popular in shady or semi-shady gardens, our new varieties of Caladiums will surely provide a glorious and vibrant display with their multi-coloured leaves and lush patterns. Moist, well-drained soil and partial shade will result in a happier and healthier Caladium plant.
Selections include Caladium Hilo Beauty, Candidum Junior, Strawberry Star, Lemon Blush, Blazing Sun and many more.
Please contact us for more details on current and upcoming varieties.
The succulent craze is still on going, with no signs of stopping. With their out-of-this-world features, vast range of colours and shapes, its no wonder these low-maintenance plants have become a favourite for both first-time and seasoned growers. We have been introducing new varieties and colours in 2021 and will continue to do so throughout 2022. With our unique and constantly growing range, there’s something to suit any growers needs.
Selections include Echeveria Chroma, Graptoveria Debbie, Pachyphytum Chiseled Stones, Sedeveria Blue Mist and many more.
Please contact us for more details on current and upcoming varieties.
As an Ozbreed licensed propagator, we produce both Tissue Cultures and Plug Trays of select Ozbreed Landscape and Vegetative lines. With decades of breeding experience: Ozbreed licensed varieties are unique and thoroughly tested, resulting in high quality plants. Whether you require tall, compact, blue or flowering Ozbreed lines, our range of varieties will suit any projects needs. With the introduction of Ozbreed Early Access, a more streamlined process is now available for unlicensed growers to gain access.
Selections include Agapanthus Bingo White, Dianella Tas Red, Liriope Just Right, Lomandra Tanika and many more.
Please contact us for more details on current and upcoming varieties.